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Hottest News 2.ČASŤ-Hylas-1-33-5°W---CCM-DVB-S2---APLIKOVANIE KONŠTANTNÉHO KÓDOVANIA a MODULÁCIE CCM na DVB-S2 DATA nosnej v KA pásme na f=20 146,8 MHz s FEC=9/10 a priepustnosťou 80,4 Mbit/sec a analýza stavového diagramu modulácie 8PSK s detailom na 1.kvadrant Roman Dávid 11/22/2012 - 17:46
Sat Equipment "Synchronous Nanocorrections" – A Technological Invention for the Practice of Satellite Reception and the Benefits of My Invention by Roman Dávid from Lučenec. Roman Dávid 11/20/2024 - 08:11
Sat List Update 1-11-2023-EUT 21B_11 188 H SNRT Arryadia:These results will serve as the foundation for a comparative base or benchmark for quality,particularly the proven stability of reception derived from the measurement unit's LKM/NM for the European continent ... Roman Dávid 11/01/2023 - 09:19
Hottest News 1-3-13__Autor koncentruje kompletnú sumu trinástich HD+SD nosných satelitu Eutelsat 7A-7e v spektra -V- vektora KA pásma v downlinkovom rozsahu od 21 400 do 21 700 MHz,ktoré sú odbavované zo štátov centrálnej a južnej Afriky v spektre extrémne vysokých f Roman Dávid 02/27/2013 - 13:55
Sat List Update 1-3-13__FIRST QUANTIFICATION OF THE LEVEL OF GAIN and BIT-ERROR-RATE BER of the QPSK carrier 2S TV Senegal at f=21 565.3 MHz with bandwidth BW=2.12 MHz,SR=1571 ksym/s and FEC=7/8 to the output from the secondary radiant Channel Master RX 300 cm . Roman Dávid 02/27/2013 - 14:37
Hottest News 1-3-13__PRVÁ KVANTIFIKÁCIA ZISKOVEJ ÚROVNE A CHYBOVOSTI QPSK nosnej 2S TV Senegal na f=21 565,3 MHz vysielanej zo senegalského Dakaru v spektre KA pásma od 27,5 do 28,6 GHz so šírkou pásma BW=2,12 MHz,SR=1571 ksym/s a FEC=7/8 na výstupe sekundárneho ... Roman Dávid 02/27/2013 - 13:25
Sat List Update 1-3-2013__Author summarizes the entire amount of thirteen Eutelsat 7A-KA band carrier within range of vertical vector from 21 400 to 21 700 MHz, that are mainly broadcasted from countries of central and southern Africa in a spectrum of extremely high f .. Roman Dávid 02/27/2013 - 15:03
Sat List Update 1-5-2024_IS 901-Spirit Radio-SR=83 ksym/s : Roman Dávid hereby demonstrates the successful application of principles of mathematical and software combinatorics along with Wave Physics into the practice of reception of transmission with a SR=83 ksym/s... Roman Dávid 05/01/2024 - 07:38
Sat List Update 1-7-2021 : Kto je to influencer v slovenskom význame slova,alebo bonmot z môjho pera .... Roman Dávid 06/30/2021 - 17:40
Sat List Update 1.1.2010 - Radiating diagram of C band satellite Intelsat 4 at 72.0°E and measuring the transmission of broadcast from equatorial Africa : spectral analysis of the TP 2 , footprint map , defining the status of income_FIRST : 3 729 DCC Digital Congo Roman Dávid. 01/01/2010 - 11:31
Hottest News 1.1.2010 - Tv broadcasts of equatorial Africa available in the entire European zone of income satellites Intelsat 4 at 72.0 in the C band : DCC Digital Congo , ZNBC Zambia , ZBC Zimbabwe ... Roman Dávid. 01/01/2010 - 11:36
Hottest News 1.1.2010 - TV pakety vysielané prevažne z rovníkovej Afriky cez satelit Intelsat 4 na 72.0°E v pásme C do celej európskej oblasti : spektrálny rozbor TP2 s DVB-S2 prenosom,footprint mapa,signálny stav v mieste príjmu Lučenec_3 729 V DCC Digital Congo Roman Dávid. 01/01/2010 - 11:46
Hottest News 1.10.2009 - Novinka v Sat Liste - C pásmo - Intelsat 901 at 18,0°W - Globálna-Východo Hemisferická a Severovýchodná EIRP zóna : detailná kvalitatívna diagnostika prevažne z centrálnej Afriky vysielaných prenosov_ÚVODNÍK - ASCENT NEW YORK - 545 Roman Dávid. 10/01/2009 - 15:50
Sat List Update 1.10.2009 - SatList -C- Intelsat 901 at 18,0°W - Global-NE zone-East hemi footprint : all about real reception conditions in central european zone >> spectral scanning , diagnostics of quality , footprint +++ FIRST SHOT-ASCENT NEW YORK-545 Roman Dávid. 10/01/2009 - 15:26
Hottest News 1.10.2009 - Six New Videos from Intelsat 901 at 18,0°W - C band : AIT Lagos , AIT Movistar , AIT Network , GRTS Gambia promo , Light Channel DE , DAAR New York test card/feeds ... Roman Dávid. 10/01/2009 - 15:17
Hottest News 1.10.2012 - Astra 3B-BEACON-KA pásmo _Geosynchrónny objekt Astra 3B na 23,5e a lokalizácia jeho vysielania v KA pásme pomocou BEACON identifikačného kmitočtu majáka na f=20 199,5 MHz v horizontálnej časti spektra pásma super vysokých frekvencií SHF+BONUS Roman Dávid 10/01/2012 - 13:01
Sat List Update 1.10.2012_ ASTRA 3B-BEACON-KA band _ Astra 3B at 23.5e and its footprint-beam for KA band Roman Dávid 10/01/2012 - 12:59
Sat List Update 1.10.2012_ ASTRA 3B-BEACON-KA band _ Identification of the BEACON frequency at 20 199.5 MHz - H-pol. on the Astra 3B at 23.5e in a video preview of the digital Analyzer Televes H60 Advanced + SAT DX BONUS ! Roman Dávid 10/01/2012 - 13:00
Hottest News 1.10.2012_ Astra 3B-BEACON-KA pásmo _ Identifikácia Beacon frekvencie objektu Astra 3B pre KA pásmo na f=20 199,5 MHz vo video ukážke z digitálneho analyzátora Televes H60 Advanced + BONUS . Roman Dávid 10/01/2012 - 13:01
Hottest News 1.10.2012_ Astra 3B-BEACON-KA pásmo _ Provajderom SES Astra zadefinovaný footprint-vyžarovací diagram pre KA pásmo satelitu Astra 3B na 23,5e Roman Dávid 10/01/2012 - 13:01
Sat List Update 1.10.2012_ASTRA 3B-BEACON-KA band_Geosynchronous object Astra 3B at 23.5e and localization of his broadcasts in KA band with the BEACON on the f=20 199.5 MHz in the horizontal parts of the SHF spectrum + SAT DX BONUS ! Roman Dávid 10/01/2012 - 13:00
Hottest News 1.11.2010 - Amos 5i satellite at 17.0°E in C band and new video preview : DVB-S2/8PSK/FTA Muvi TV1 Feed Zambia , Hosanna Roman Dávid. 11/01/2010 - 10:06
Sat List Update 1.11.2010-Amos 5i satellite at 17.0°E in C band and first measurements on three carrier in DVB-S2/8PSK format after a satellite failure : DVB-S2 transmissions _ NGB Channel 1-NTV network , MUVI TV1+2 feed Zambia , Hosanna TV ... Roman Dávid. 11/01/2010 - 09:52
Hottest News 1.11.2010-Družica AMOS 5i na 17.0°E v C pásme a prvé výsledky meraní na afrických nosných v DVB-S2/8PSK formáte po poruche na satelite : DVB-S2/8PSK/FTA NGB Channel 1-NTV network , MUVI TV1+2 feed Zambia , Hosanna TV ... Roman Dávid. 11/01/2010 - 10:14
Sat List Update 1.12.2010-Intelsat 905 satellite at 24.5°W and the first measurement on a new channel FEEDS at f=4 007 L-Atlantic SD Encoder + themes : 4 111 L ORTM Mali-new qualitative peak and spectral analysis .... Roman Dávid. 12/01/2010 - 15:16