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Hottest News 10.8.2010-PREMIÉRA/Satelit Express MD1 na 80.0°E-diagram C pásma a dnešné témy : TP-5 prvé merania a analýza spektra , 3 676 R Paket RSCC Rusko- ideálny akostný stav pri bBER=0 a 7 aktuálnych výsledkov meraní ... Roman Dávid. 08/10/2010 - 16:52
Sat List Update 10.8.2010-PREMIERE/Satellite Express MD1 at 80.0°E-C band footprint & today's topics : TP 5-first measurement and analysis of the transponder , 3 676 R RSCC Russia -ideal state of quality at bBER=0_MER=15.7 dB & seven measurement results .... Roman Dávid. 08/10/2010 - 16:28
Hottest News 10.9.2009 - PREMIÉRA/SAT LIST - družica Measat 3 na 91,5°E - KU zväzok južná Ázia : MPEG-4 Big TV India /SECA/_web dxsatcs v premiére uverejňuje výsledky analýz V+H spektier juhoázijského vyžarovacieho diagramu pásma KU +++ Roman Dávid. 09/10/2009 - 14:10
Sat List Update 10.9.2009 - PREMIERE/SAT LIST - Measat 3 at 91,5°E - V+H KU SPOT South Asia : MPEG-4 Packet Big TV India /SECA/ with every single reception details and ULPC beacon analysis +++ Roman Dávid. 09/10/2009 - 14:18
Hottest News 10.9.2009 - PREMIERE/VIDEOS - Measat 3 at 91,5°E - KU SPOT South Asia : MPEG-4 DD Gyan Darshan , AAC Air Hindi , AAC Rainbow Delhi , AAC Air Bangla ... Roman Dávid. 09/10/2009 - 14:08
Sat List Update 10.9.2012-KA band satellite footprint-beam : inclined Astra 1H around 19,4° East - NCC Network Control centre downlink coverage area , KA band uplink and downlink footprint... Roman Dávid 09/10/2012 - 13:40
Sat List Update 10.9.2012-KA band satellite reception videos-Astra 1H at 19.43°E : f0=18 359 MHz-IF=1 109 MHz _ Óčko tv Czech republic-quality and spectrum analysis-Televes H60 Advanced,Rover DM16 4HD Roman Dávid 09/10/2012 - 13:44
HDTV 11 804 V Eurobird 9A at 9.0°E _ Melody Zen TV HD MPEG-4/Viaccess 2.6 Roman Dávid. 02/02/2009 - 16:03
HDTV 11 919 V Eurobird 9A at 9.0°E _ FTV Fashion TV HD MPEG-4/FTA Roman Dávid. 02/02/2009 - 15:59
Hottest News 11-10-2023-LOW Symbol Rates in reception practice:The radio and dominant SCPC signal distributions transmitted through the TP DW7 of the Eutelsat 21B sat. share the common attribute of applying a low Symbol Rate in the range from SR=170 to SR=512 Ksym/s Roman Dávid 10/11/2023 - 10:56
Sat List Update 11-2-2013__FIRST HDTV BROADCASTS FROM EQUATORIAL Africa in the KA band via Eutelsat 7A at 7°E: CCTV AFRICA HD at f=21 465.75 MHz-8PSK modulation state diagram demonstrates the stable progress of decoding of HDTV broadcasting services from Nairobi-Kenya... Roman Dávid 02/10/2013 - 13:36
Sat List Update 11-2-2013__FIRST HDTV BROADCASTS FROM EQUATORIAL Africa in the KA band via Eutelsat 7A at 7°E: CCTV AFRICA HD at f=21 465.75 MHz-author demonstrates the high growth in gain reserve ranging from 1 to 1.5 dB,to regularly activated HDTV satellite line ... Roman Dávid 02/10/2013 - 13:27
Hottest News 11-2-2013__PRVÉ HDTV VYSIELANIE Z ROVNÍKOVEJ AFRIKY v KA pásme cez Eutelsat 7A na 7.0°E: CCTV AFRICA HD na f=21 465,75 MHz-autor demonštruje vo video ukážkach vysoký rast rezervy zisku v rozsahu od 1-1,5 dB na pravidelne aktivovanej HDTV satelitnej.... Roman Dávid 02/10/2013 - 12:39
Hottest News 11-2-2013__PRVÉ HDTV VYSIELANIE Z ROVNÍKOVEJ AFRIKY v KA pásme cez Eutelsat 7A na 7.0°E: CCTV AFRICA HD na f=21 465,75 MHz-stavový diagram modulácie 8PSK z Tunera TBS 5925 demonštruje stabilný priebeh dekódovania vysielania HDTV linky z Keňského Nairobi.. Roman Dávid 02/10/2013 - 13:01
Sat List Update 11-2-2015-WGS 2-λ=60°vd-Autor aktualizuje a analyzuje frekvenčné spektrum amerického vojenského objektu WGS-2 na λ=60°vd s globálnym pokrytím od 20,2-21,2 GHz pásma SHF-KA+X a definuje parametre prenosu Data streamu na f=20 687 MHz s aplikovaným ... Roman Dávid 02/11/2015 - 10:05
Sat List Update 11-2-2015-YAHSAT 1B-Y1B-47,5° vd-Súčasťou výskumného projektu "Referenčné hodnoty zisku pre paraboly s D<=450 cm v KA pásme sa stáva aj RH+LH časť frekvenčného spektra od 19,2 do 21,2 GHz geostacionárneho objektu Yahsat 1B-Y1B na λ=47,5°vd .... Roman Dávid 02/11/2015 - 10:10
Hottest News 11-3-2013-Autor na základe výsledkov analýz z Tunera TBS 5925,v premiere kvantifikuje kvalitatívny status DVB-S2/8PSK nosnej Equinoxe TV Cameroon na f=21 539,77 MHz identifikovanú v rozsahu KA pásma 21,4-22 GHz geosynchrónneho objektu Eutelsat 16A ... Roman Dávid 03/11/2013 - 09:56
Sat List Update 11-3-2013__The author on the basis of the results of analyses of the Tuner TBS 5925,quantifies the quality status of the DVB-S2/8PSK carrier Equinoxe tv Cameroon at f=21 539 MHz,in the KA band range of 21.4 to 22 GHz at geosynchronous object Eutelsat 16A Roman Dávid 03/11/2013 - 10:22
Sat List Update 11-9-2024_LUXE Radio: Today, I can demonstrate 100% reception stability on each of the 3 applied oscillators over a total monitoring period of t=136 hours, with a quality peak SNR=15.5 dB on the LUXE Radio, with an SR value of 185 ksym/s Roman Dávid 09/11/2024 - 07:00
Page 11-9-2024_LUXE Radio: Today, I can demonstrate 100% reception stability on each of the 3 applied oscillators over a total monitoring period of t=136 hours, with a quality peak SNR=15.5 dB on the LUXE Radio, with an SR value of 185 ksym/s Roman Dávid. 01/21/2009 - 13:19
Hottest News 11.1.2010 - HDTV VYSIELANIE Z JAPONSKA / Nalaďte si jediné japonské FULL HD vysielanie dostupné takmer v celom európskom meradle cez družicu Intelsat 10 na 68.5°E v pásme C už s priemerom antény 140+ cm : 3 739 H NHK WORLD HD / FULL HD 1920x1080 viac+++ Roman Dávid. 01/11/2010 - 16:47
Hottest News 11.1.2010 - News in Box Feeds / I have identified a new channel feeds from satellite Intelsat 10 at 68.5°E - global footprint zone C : 4 160 V JAMMU / MPEG-2 Service provider Roman Dávid. 01/11/2010 - 15:58
Sat List Update 11.1.2010 - News in Box HDTV - From the antenna diameter 140+ cm you can almost throughout the European region tune the Japanese FULL HD broadcasts in the C band of satellite Intelsat 10 at 68.5°E : 3 739 H NHK WORLD HD / FULL HD 1920x1080 + Q analysis Roman Dávid. 01/11/2010 - 16:36
Hottest News 11.1.2010 - News in Box Test Cards / Intelsat 10 at 68.5°E satellite - global footprint zone C : 3 712 H TAJ TV India Roman Dávid. 01/11/2010 - 16:03
Hottest News 11.1.2010 - Video samples of a single Japanese FULL HD broadcasts, which is available almost everywhere in the European zone of income through Intelsat 10 at 68.5°E satellite in C band : 3 739 H NHK World HD / FULL HD 1920x1080 Roman Dávid. 01/11/2010 - 16:14