19.10.2012-KA BAND SATELLITE MONITORING-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-European C footprint-analysis of the spectrum of the -V- vector and the results of measurements on 2 carrier-21 465.75 MHz_Vpol.-HDTV CCTV Africa 1920x1080 , 21 601.9 MHz-V.pol - TV ZIMBO LIVE

                                                                   line :
KA BAND SATELLITE MONITORING-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0e-European C footprint-analysis of the spectrum of the
-V- vector and the results of measurements on 2 carrier-21 465.75 MHz_Vpol. - HDTV CCTV Africa 1920x1080,
                                         21 601.9 MHz-V.pol - TV ZIMBO LIVE

                                     DVB-S2-8PSK-MPEG-4 : CCTV Africa SAT -  FIRST HDTV feeds broadcasting in KA band
                                                                      Video STREAM Traffic : 8.3 - 9.5 Mbps

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                                                                    Roman Dávid - author & founder