
►►Sicral 1 at 16.2°E-KA band reception : orbital location , coverage , polarisation , transponders ...

           Satellite reception in KA band-Sicral 1 at 16.2°E : LHCP vector spectrum analysis from 19 700 to 19 900 MHz


    Sicral 1-Italian system for secure communications and alerts : UHF (240-320 MHz) , SHF (7-8 GHz) , EHF band (20-44 GHz)
                                                                          Sicral 1 - datasheet
                                                                          source : Telespazio

►►Sicral 1 at 16.2°E-KA band reception : the HF string , footprint , geographical location ...


Sicral 1 at 16.2° east - KA band reception data
geographical location of the measurement in the KA band N48°19719' , E19°40148' , Lučenec,Slovak republic
secondary radiant -D- 300 cm
HF system original proposal for circular vectors
LNB for KA band nr.1 DRO Norsat 880-9000BF , LOF stability +/- 1 MHz , LOF=18 250 MHz
Analyzed frequency spectrum + polarisation 19 200-20 200 MHz / circular LHCP
Field strenght meters Televes H60 Advanced , Rover DM16 4HD Digimax , TBS 5925 , Unaohm AP 201 S+

     geographical location of the measurement                      installed secondary radiant
                  N48°19719' , E19°40148'                                    PF Channel Master 300 cm               dxsatcs-ka-band-reception-sicral-1b-11-8-east-italian-military-satellite-ehf-shf-uhf-ka-band-satellite-reception-footprint-analysis-pf-channel-master-300-cm-000                 

              Sicral 1 at 16.2°e                                   Sicral 1 at 16.2°e                                 Sicral 1 at 16.2°e
        EHF footprint-beam-coverage               SHF footprint-beam-coverage                UHF footprint-beam-coverage

                                                                          source : Telespazio

►►Sicral 1 at 16.2°E-reception and measurement in the KA band: analysis of the spectrum and the quality

►The complete range of the -LHCP- vector in the KA band from 19 700 to 20 000 MHz : Televes H60

                                                                C1=19 748 MHz → C2=19 822 MHz

►The complete range of the -LHCP- vector in the KA band from 19 700 to 20 000 MHz : DVB-S2 TV tuner TBS 5925

                                                            C1=19 748 MHz → C2=19 822 MHz

Without quality analysis for the 2 carrier in the -LHCP- frequency spectrum from 19 200 to 20 200 MHz


►►Sicral 1 at 16.2°E-reception and measurement in the KA band: list of locking carrier




---SR--- ---FEC--- ---Footprint--- ---Antenna--- ---DVB/Encryption---
19 748 MHz-LHCP
EHF Beam 80 cm  
19 822 MHz-LHCP ?
    EHF Beam 80 cm  


►►Sicral 1 at 16.2°E-KA band reception : video presentation of the results of the reception in the KA band

Sicral 1-16.2°e-EHF-KA-band satellite reception video-LHCP vector : spectrum analysis from 19 700 to 20 000 MHz _
                                              C1=19 748 MHz → C2=19 822 MHz _ Televes H60

►►►Sicral 1 at 16.2°E-KA band satellite reception-footprint-analysis : copyright

 All the information, images, measurements and analyses in Ka band frequency spectrum in high frequency engeneering and wave physics are results
that come  exclusively from scientific research conducted by Roman Dávid - the author and the owner of All the information found on are protected by copyright as a part of intangible property and are protected by EU law and Slovak national legislation. Usage, copying
and distribution of any information  or its parts without author's permission is strictly prohibited.


 Všetky informácie,grafické zobrazenia,výsledky meraní a analýz príjmu vo frekvenčnom spektre pásme Ka pochádzajú výlučne z vedecko-výskumnej
činnosti autora Roman Dávida z oblasti vlnovej fyziky a VF techniky a spadajú do jeho duševného vlastníctva,ktoré je chránené zákonmi
Európskej únie a Slovenskej republiky .Ich celkové alebo čiastočné kopírovanie, imitovanie alebo distribúcia bez súhlasu autora je výslovne zakázaná
z dôvodu výhradného vlastníctva autorom .

author : Roman Dávid_the founder of the Czech & Slovak DX Satellite Club_Think-Tank © Lučenec 2012 / Slovak republic

                                           Roman Dávid-founder-of-Czech -Slovak-DX -Satellite-Club-Think-Tank-