Recent posts

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Video Section Insat 3A/4B at 93.5°E - KU Indian subcontinent SPOT : Videos_ 11 130 V - MPEG-4/FTA SUN Direct DTH Network India Info Channel Roman Dávid. 07/13/2009 - 13:54
Video Section Intelsat 707 at 53.0°W - East Hemi footprint : videos _ Africable Mali Roman Dávid. 11/24/2009 - 15:14
Video Section Yamal 201 at 90.0° E - KU band Videos Roman Dávid. 03/17/2009 - 09:58
Video Section Arabsat 2B at 20.0°E - C band : videos Roman Dávid. 03/17/2009 - 13:14
Video Section Insat 2E/3B/4A at 83.0°E _ Wide footprint : 3 680 V Amrita News Tv India _ na obrazovkách indickej spravodajskej tv Amrita News bola odvysielaná reportáž z Českej republiky Roman Dávid. 05/26/2009 - 14:27
Video Section Express AM44 at 11.0°W - Global footprint : Video _ Perviy kanal USA , RTR Planeta , CRBC Nigeria Roman Dávid. 09/28/2009 - 16:25
Video Section Intelsat 801 at 31.5°W - C band : Video Roman Dávid. 03/18/2009 - 14:15
Video Section Arabsat 2B at 20.0°E - Medium & High power footprint : Videos _ ETV Ethiopia , ERI tv , Tayba TV , Southern Sudan TV , TVM Mauretania , Al Manar TV , Al Jazeera English ... Roman Dávid. 08/21/2009 - 13:59
Video Section Eutelsat W6 at 21.6°E - wide footprint : videos _ DVB-S2/MPEG-4 LBC America , Al Rai Tv , Sala Hadin TV ... Roman Dávid. 11/20/2009 - 14:16
Video Section Intelsat 906 at 64.2°E - Global+NW Zone+West Hemi footprint : Videos _ ITV 1 Tanzania , Capitol TV Tanzania , TV Mozambique , ACBN Nigeria , Uganda tv , JCTV , Smile of a Childe ... Roman Dávid. 09/18/2009 - 12:25
Video Section NSS 5 at 5.0°E - East Hemi & Global footprint : videos _ RTL Tele Luxembourg & RTL Radio Web TV Roman Dávid. 02/11/2010 - 14:24
Video Section Atlantic Bird 3 at 5.0°W : video presentation Roman Dávid. 03/17/2009 - 09:27
Video Section Intelsat 902 at 62.0°E - C band Video Roman Dávid. 03/17/2009 - 10:41
Video Section Intelsat 7/10 at 68.5°E - global footprint_C band : videos _ FTV , HUM TV USA , Jaya Tv , CNBC Pakistan .... Roman Dávid. 04/13/2010 - 15:10
Video Section NSS 10 at 37.5°W - Europe & Africa footprint : videos _ DVB-S2/8PSK Silverbird TV Nigeria , Metro Tv Ghana ... Roman Dávid. 10/30/2009 - 15:40
Video Section Insat 2E/3B/4A at 83.0°E - wide and 4A footprints : videos_ WIN TV,VOI India , Kairali WE , Kasthuri TV , MPEG-4 Pragya TV , News 24 ... Roman Dávid. 02/26/2010 - 13:45
Video Section Intelsat 901 at 18.0°W - East Hemi-Global-NE zone footprint : Videos _ AIT Lagos , AIT Movistar , AIT Network , GRTS Gambia promo , Light Channel DE , DAAR New York test card/feeds ... Roman Dávid. 10/01/2009 - 15:11
Video Section Measat 3 at 91.5°E - Global footprint in C band : videos_Jim Jam Asia , DZRH - Natin TV Philippines , Celestial Movies Hong Kong ... Roman Dávid. 02/23/2010 - 16:18
Video Section ABS 1 & Eutelsat W75 at 75.0°E - southern beam in KU band : TBN Asia-South Pacific , Dan Tamil .... Roman Dávid. 08/20/2010 - 12:30
Video Section Thaicom 2/5 at 78.5°E - H-pol. Regional beam / Thaicom 2 : feeds 1 _ 4 115 H NBT Chiangmai ... feeds 2 _ 4 118 H NBT Ubon Service feeds 3 _ 4 129 H NBT Chantaburi ... feeds 4 _ 4 135 H NBT Songkhla 2.734 Roman Dávid. 06/07/2009 - 13:29
Video Section ChinaStar 1 at 87.5°E - Global C SPOT : Videos _ 3 735 H Myawady TV Myanmar Roman Dávid. 07/14/2009 - 15:28
Video Section Insat 4B at 93.5°E - ECC Asia SPOT : feeds videos / 3 955 H_ Tandberg Service / NDTV News India Roman Dávid. 08/03/2009 - 14:57
Video Section NSS 7 at 22.0°W - East hemi & Global footprint : Videos _ CNN International Europe , CNN feed , Al Jazeera , Oman TV ... Roman Dávid. 03/10/2010 - 16:02
Video Section Yamal 202 at 49.0°E - global footprint : videos_Rossiya 1 Petrozavodsk,MPEG-4 Tula TV,Gde I Kto,RTR Planeta,DAN Tamil,Komi tv..... Roman Dávid. 01/27/2010 - 15:13
Video Section Intelsat 10-02 at 1.0°W - C band Video Roman Dávid. 03/18/2009 - 13:49