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Hottest News 4.1.2010 - News in box Test Cards - transmission channel feeds broadcast in DVB-S2 format from Eutelsat W2 at 16.0°E : 11 001 H ITA 547 EX 39 /provider Mediaset/ Roman Dávid. 01/04/2010 - 16:15
Ka Band Section KA band satellite footprint-beam-coverage-Eutelsat-7A-W3A at 7.0-east_ Europe C-KA band uplink and downlink coverage and Africa uplink and downlink coverage Roman Dávid 10/12/2012 - 11:59
Sat List Update 14.4.2010 - Yamal 202 at 49.0°E - Global footprint in C band _I update the latest changes in the packets of Middle East and European broadcasters from a global footprint in the C band _FIRST : 3 740 L Russia Today Espanol Roman Dávid. 04/14/2010 - 12:55
Sat Equipment OMT Orthomode Transducer with KU depolarizer SMW XD 12 Roman Dávid. 03/09/2009 - 17:35
Video Section C band _ Intelsat 906 at 64.2°E - West hemi footprint : videos _ Al-Alamia tests Roman Dávid. 08/26/2010 - 13:20
Ka Band Section KA-band-satellite-feeds-reception-video-Eutelsat-7A-7.0e-Europe-C-footprint: 21 493.5 MHz-V.pol-feed Vcs Voyager 2-MPEG-2-720x576i-Video-TS=6.6 Mbps-25Hz-16:9,Audio-256 kbps-48kHz_analysis of spectrum and the quality of reception in KA band Roman Dávid 11/16/2012 - 10:37
Sat List Update 26.6.2009 - SatList - Intelsat 4 at 72.0°E - Africa / Middle East beam : Parliament , ZBC TV , ZNBC , Sin-Pakistan , Digital Congo Network ... Roman Dávid. 06/26/2009 - 14:19
Sat List Update 8.9.2009 - SatList - Hellas Sat 2 at 39,0°E - F1/F2/S2 footprint : actual reception quality on networks Bulsatcom , Ukrkosmos , Dolce , OTE , RIK Sat .... Roman Dávid. 09/08/2009 - 12:35
Sat List Update 10.5.2010 - SAT DX Forum / A. Simao-Macau_ST 1 at 88.0°E-Asian footprint in C band : 3 521 H & 3 591 H - current measurements on the Thai and Taiwanese packets with Vertex RSI 9.0m antenna and with spectrum analyzer Rohde & Schwarz ETL+Tandberg TT 1260 Roman Dávid. 05/10/2010 - 16:10
Hottest News 27.1.2010 - Interesting video spots with the relative quality of the satellites Yamal 202 at 49.0°E : Rossiya 1 Petrozavodsk,MPEG-4 Tula TV,Gde I Kto,RTR Planeta,DAN Tamil,Komi tv... Roman Dávid. 01/27/2010 - 15:17
DX News clanky NSS 6 at 95,0°E : Two data providers from Middle East beam Roman Dávid. 03/09/2009 - 19:53
Sat List Update EXCLUSIVE HD & 3D PREMIERE-Mr. Roman Dávid and his Think-Tank defines:FASHION one-America's first HD channel in a 3D format broadcast from Hong Kong to satellite Measat 3 at 91.5°E and the first results of measurements of C bands in Central Europe-SAT DX Roman Dávid. 10/18/2010 - 11:32
Hottest News 15.7.2009 - New Videos - Intelsat 902 at 62,0°E : IRIB Tabarestan , IRIB Sabalan , IRIB Khozestan , IRIB Khorasan , IRIB Kermanshah , IRIB Fars Roman Dávid. 07/15/2009 - 13:28
Page Express AM44 at 11.0°W Roman Dávid. 09/28/2009 - 15:30
Page skynet-5b-25-east-x-band-reception-frequency-coverage-astrium-gchq-sigint Roman Dávid 09/29/2015 - 10:17
Hottest News 18.2.2010 - News in box Test Cards / ABS 1 at 75.0°E - footprint B in C band : 3 560 V CTH CABLE THAI HOLDING Plc Roman Dávid. 02/18/2010 - 16:11
Hottest News 4.5.2009 - Sat Bazár/Second Hand : Predám Pace MSS 200 Multichoice a pozicionér SPD 02 ... Roman Dávid. 05/04/2009 - 12:16
Video Section Thaicom 2/5 at 78.5°E - European/Regional footprint : Videos > ATV Channel 5 , BBTV Channel 7 , I-Channel , Modernine TV Roman Dávid. 06/10/2009 - 14:54
Hottest News 4.3.11-EXTRA HD a DVB-S2 BONUS a NOVINKA č.5-DD DIRECT PLUS India-Insat 4B na 93.5°E-Indický lúč: VIDEO PREZENTÁCIA HD vysielania a EXTRA BONUS-11 030 V DVB-S2-HDTV SUN DIRECT DTH-prvé merania na platenej HDTV sieti provajdera SUN DIRECT v mieste Lučenec Roman Dávid. 03/04/2011 - 14:52
Page astra-2e-2f-2g-uk-spot-beam-reception-itv-hd-sky-hd-dvb-s2-8psk-case-study Roman Dávid 03/03/2021 - 16:51
Sat List Update 3.9.2012 - KA band satellite footprint-beam : WGS-1 at 175°e footprint , WGS-2 at 60°e footprint , WGS-3 at 12°w footprint - source of information : The MITRE Corporation Washington USA _ National Security Engineering Center (NSEC) Roman Dávid 09/03/2012 - 15:25
Sat List Update 3.2.2023-NEWS FLASH/MULTISTREAM-Dnes bola reštartovaná satelitná distribúcia cez taliansky TP IT9 na f=12 418 V v štandarde DVB-S2/16APSK/Multistream a okamžite ukončené uplinkovanie cez do včera aktívne vyťažovaný transpondér IT5 na f=12 265 V Roman Dávid 02/03/2023 - 11:59
Page Intelsat 705 at 50.0°W Roman Dávid. 02/12/2009 - 13:20
Sat List Update 11-2-2013__FIRST HDTV BROADCASTS FROM EQUATORIAL Africa in the KA band via Eutelsat 7A at 7°E: CCTV AFRICA HD at f=21 465.75 MHz-8PSK modulation state diagram demonstrates the stable progress of decoding of HDTV broadcasting services from Nairobi-Kenya... Roman Dávid 02/10/2013 - 13:36
Page Express AM2/MD1 at 80.0°E Roman Dávid. 02/08/2009 - 11:13