Astra 2D at 28.2°E-2D North footprint-sat dx : Freesat-ITV-BBC-Sky & spectrum analysis of the H vector

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            Archived measurement results from the period from 2006 to 2012

                                                                                             by Roman Dávid_founder of Think-Tank


Astra 2D at 28.2°E-sat dx-Freesat-ITV-BBC-Sky : footprint , measurement point , HF system ...


     Astra 2D at 28.2°E - 2D North SPOT : measurements taken in the town of Lučenec / central Slovakia  
                                   a, geographical location :
Latitude: 48.33°  _   Longitude: 19.72°
                                   b, measurement results are derived from the 3.7 m diameter antenna
                                   c, date of measurement : 26.2.2011
                                   d, elevation angle : 33.9°
                                   e, weather conditions : sunny and clear sky
                                   f, air temperature : from - 2 at 7.00 o'clock  to +5 °C at 12.00 o'clock
                                   g, altitude : 185 m /asl
                                   h, installation period and aggregation measured data : from 07.00 a.m to 18.00 pm

                                                     --- Astra 2D at 28.2°E-sat dx & footprint : 2D North  ---

      current status in EIRP levels in East European area : Prevailing local reception disparity in quality in terms of choice
                                                                        of the V or H vector

- in case of receiving satellite Astra 2D in East European level, I can define the following an elementary rule : without
the initial measurements at the antenna installation is not possible to correctly define (with a high degree of probability) the
required diameter antenna to a stable reception of a TP in the plane waves H or V .

- the smallest antenna diameters for unstable carrier lock (in units of minutes to hours), depending on the geographical location
of the antenna installation location in Eastern Europe :

                                             --- for packets broadcast in vertical polarization ---
in my point measurements : unstable from Dmin=140 cm and stable from Dmin=220-240 cm ( V pol sidelobe )
in other Eastern European reception areas : Dmin=90-270 cm

                                             --- for packets broadcast in horizontal polarization ---
in my point measurements : unstable from Dmin=340 cm ....and stable form of reception for all TP from Dmin=???
in other Eastern European reception areas : Dmin=180-500 cm

                                                                click for enlarge
     Astra 2D at 28.2 e-2d north footprint-source ses astra-n     
                                             (astra 2D footprint image source : SES Astra S.A )
                                  --- Astra 2D-sat dx : HF system , geographical location of measurement ---

- with distance from the zone Beam peak, decreasing the probability that a stable form of reception will be sufficient for
the antenna diameter, which defines the broadcaster in this footprint > 75,90,120 cm ...

                  installed HF system                             theoretical footprint                               research point

    a, PF Prodelin 3.7 m                                                                                                 a, state : Slovak republic / Europe    
    b, dxsatcs waveguide line                                                                                        b, town : Lučenec
    c, UNI LNB : NF=0.4-0.6 dB                                                                                       c, altitude : 185 m / asl
    d, cable lenght : 40 m                                                                                              d, geo. location : 48.33°_19.72°
Astra 2D at 28.2 e-2d north spot-freesat-sky-bbc-itv-PF Prodelin 3.7 mAstra 2D at 28.2 e-2d north footprint-source ses astra-wAstra 2D at 28.2 e_2d north spot-ku band_freesat-sky-bbc-itv-reception point at lucenec slovakia

Astra 2D at 28.2°E-sat dx-Freesat-ITV-BBC-Sky : timeline and reception status

                              --- Astra 2D at 28.2°E-sat dx : signal status of H polarization in the timeline ---

                     first phase of the measurements      >      second    >         third phase of the measurements    
  8.00 am                                                                14.00            15.00                                                                  18.00 pm
               only spectral identification without                       first lock        stable lock on the carrier without any outages
                                carrier lock
                                          carrier                with a gain margin of MER=2 - 4 dB


Astra 2D at 28.2°E-Freesat-ITV-BBC-Sky : timeframe from 8.00 am to 14.00 pm_ FIRST PHASE


  --- Astra 2D at 28.2°E-sat dx : timeframe from 8.00 am to 14.00 pm & signal status of H polarization in the first phase ---

Quality status in the first phase of measurements : about the time frame of two hours, I identified a gradual increase in the
level of signal flow but without the possibility of locking the carrier

                    time : 8.47 am                                       time : 10.50 am                                 time : 13.07 pm
     Astra 2D at 28.2 e-2d north spot-freesat-sky-bbc-itv-H spectrum analysis 01-n   Astra 2D at 28.2 e-2d north spot-freesat-sky-bbc-itv-H spectrum analysis 02-n   Astra 2D at 28.2 e-2d north spot-freesat-sky-bbc-itv-H spectrum analysis 03-n 

Astra 2D at 28.2°E-Freesat-ITV-BBC-Sky : timeframe from 14.00 to 15.00 pm_ SECOND PHASE

  --- Astra 2D at 28.2°E-sat dx : timeframe from 14.00 am to 15.00 pm & signal status of H polarization in the second phase ---

Quality status in the second phase of measurements : in the second time frame has been exceeded the treshold level and
almost all carrier can be locked but only with a slight gain margin about MER=1-2 dB

Rover+Unaohm meter : meters failed to lock the carrier in this timeframe, due to significantly higher level of
threshold compared with normal Vantage receiver
                                                                             time : 14.30 pm
      Astra 2D at 28.2 e-2d north spot-freesat-sky-bbc-itv-H spectrum analysis 04-n
                                                                             click for enlarge

Astra 2D at 28.2°E-Freesat-ITV-BBC-Sky : timeframe from 15.00 to 18.00 pm_ THIRD PHASE

  --- Astra 2D at 28.2°E : timeframe from 15.00 to 18.00 pm & signal status of H polarization in the second phase ---

Quality status in the third phase of measurements : stable locking without the outages has persisted for all the carrier
and gain margin oscillated at levels MER=2-4 dB.

Rover+Unaohm meter : even at this phase of the measurements did not allow me meters stable detection with no
outages and there was a permanent increase in uncorrected Reed Solomon blocks-RU .
                           Vantage HD 1100S & threshold level specified by the manufacturer : 15.4 uV @ -85 dBm
practical results at reception a H vector : stable form of locking all the carriers in time frame from 15:00 to 19:00+ hours with
a gain margin of MER=2 to 4 dB
                       Unaohm AP 201 S plus & threshold level specified by the manufacturer : 10 uV @ -88.75 dBm
practical results at reception a H vector : unstable form of locking the carrier with a permanent increase in uncorrected blocks
RU-Reed Solomon uncorrected , in time frame from 15:00 to 19:00+ hours .

                          time : 15.25 pm                                                            time : 17.23 pm
Astra 2D at 28.2 e-2d north spot-freesat-sky-bbc-itv-H spectrum analysis 05-n  Astra 2D at 28.2 e-2d north spot-freesat-sky-bbc-itv-H spectrum analysis 06-n

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                                                          Roman Dávid - author & founder
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