SUN DIRECT DTH on Measat 3 at 91.5°E & the first results of measurements in the Central European scale: satellite identification using ULPC BEACON at f=12 201 V+H , 12 317+12 437 H spectral analysis of packet SUN , 12 317 H MPEG-2/FTA SUN Direct promo ...

sun direct on measat 3

SUN DIRECT on Measat 3 at 91.5°E & the first results of measurements in the Central European scale


a, Measat 3 at 91.5°E-packet Sun Direct : South Asian footprint in the KU band,which defined the broadcaster ...
b, Measat 3 at 91.5°E-packet Sun Direct : Proper identification using satellite beacon frequency_ULPC beacon=12 201 MHz
c, Measat 3 at 91.5°E-packet Sun Direct : spectrum analysis of the vector H & reception quality in the Central European scale
d, Measat 3 at 91.5°E-packet Sun Direct : 12 316 H MPEG-2 / SUN Direct promo & reception quality , NIT ...
e, Measat 3 at 91.5°E-packet Sun Direct : 12 316 H MPEG-2 / SUN Direct promo & snapshots


        ___ a, South Asian footprint in the KU band,which defined the broadcaster ___

Measat 3 at 91.5°E - South Asian footprint : results of measurements of the town Lučenec / central Slovakia  
                                      geographical location :
Latitude: 48.33° _ Longitude: 19.72°
                                 measurement results are derived from the 3.7 m diameter antenna
                                         ground without obstacles in the horizon length to 1000 m
                                                           date of measurement : 29.8.2010
                                                                     elevation angle : 3.3°

                                         Measat 3 at 91.5°E : South Asian footprint in the KU band                   
                Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-n
coverage area with the possibility of reception,depending on antenna diameter from 180 to 800+ cm , with the highly unstable
and continuously oscillating signal level in the geographical locations with elevation angle less than 10 degrees :

      Middle East / D=180-240+ cm - West Asia+East Europe / D=240-360+ cm - Central Europe / D=360-500+ cm
                                                           Central Africa / D=600-800+ cm


            High Frequency Unit                                theoretical footprint                              point measurements                                                                                Prodelin 3.7m + dxsatcs waveguide line                                                                       all research and measurements
DRO LNB Norsat 4206 BF,LO:+/- 250 kHz                                                                            I carried out at this point 
Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-PF Prodelin 3.7 mMeasat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-wMeasat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band_sun direct_reception point at lucenec slovakia

       ___ b, Proper identification using satellite beacon frequency_ULPC beacon=12 201 MHz ___

                                      --- vyberám z archívu Think-Tanku zo dňa 9.9.2009 ---
                                                                   download pdf

Beacon frequency ( maják ) je nemodulovaná nosná, ktorá je stabilne prítomná počas celej životnosti družice na presne
stanovenom kmitočte  spravidla rovnakom pre V aj H downlinkové roviny vlnení čo je prípad aj satelitu Measat 3 v pásme KU kde
provajder stanovil beacon kmitočet na f=12 201 MHz pre H_horizontálne aj V_vertikálne vlnenia.Na základe vyššie menovaného
je zrejmé že jednou z funkcií beacon kmitočtu je jednoznačná identifikácia akejkoľvek družice na obežných dráhach čo využívajú
hlavne trackingové systémy sledovania a monitorovania s beacon receivermi v pásme 20-30 GHz. (ovšem sú prípady keď
provader vysiela aj dve  beacon nosné v jednom kmitočtovom spektre L,C,KU,KA ... osobitne pre ten ktorý ľavo alebo pravotočivý
vektora vlnenia čo je prípad napr. čínskeho satelitu ChinaSat 9 na 92.2°E , kde identifikačná nosná družice pre cirkulárny LC vektor
je stanovaná na f=12 199 MHz a pre RC vektor na f=11 701 RC ) Ďalšou z funkcií beacon nosnej osobitne ak provajder smeruje
resp.vyťažuje transpondéry v spektre KU a KA pásma do zemepisných oblastí napr. južnej Ázie s neustále premenlivými
poveternostnými podmienkami,čo súvisí s výrazne premenlivým vzťahom útlmová krivka prostredia vs.výsledná kvalita prenášaných
paketov na prenosovej trase Up and Down čo je prípad na tomto mieste definovaného príjmu satelitu Measat 3 s EIRP zväzkom
pásma KU smerovaného do oblasti Južnej Ázie , potom sa dostávame k definícii ďalšej z funkcíí beacon kmitočtu ktorým je okamžitá
kontrola vysielanéhoho výkonu v závislosti od momentálnych poveternostných podmienok na signálnej trase Up and Down z
anglického ULPC čiže Uplink_ Power_Control . 

                     Measat 3 / ULPC Beacon signal in KU band : 12 201 MHz with vertical and horizontal polarization
-identification beacon frequency in the spectrum of H vector of the satellite Measat 3 in the research point: town Lučenec / Slovakia-

                   12 201>2  V+H : ULPC Beacon frequency-identification beacon frequency in the spectrum of H vector
                                                                               click for enlarge
                    Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-ULPC beacon frequency-spectral analysis-n

                     12 201 ULPC Beacon + 12 317 SUN Direct _ beacon status in the spectrum of horizontal vector
                                                                                click for enlarge
                   Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-ULPC beacon frequency 02-spectral analysis-n

       ___ c, Spectrum analysis of the vector H & reception quality in the Central European scale ___

              12 317 > 12 437 H Packet SUN Direct DTH India - spectral analysis of the transponders TP 14KH + 17KH
                                                                                 click for enlarge
                   Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct spectral analysis-n

                                                              --- defining the status of reception ---

12 317 > 12 437 H Packet SUN Direct India : lock the carriers is unstable and non-cyclical oscillates in one second intervals
in a wide range of amplitudes of the quality from MER=5 dB (what is the level of detection for FEC protocol 5/6 ) to MER= 9+dB
which is the fair gain margin of more than MER=3 dB !

                ___ d, 12 317 H MPEG-2 / SUN Direct promo & reception quality , NIT ... ___


                                                12 317 H : MPEG-2 / FTA SUN Direct DTH promo channel
Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-rover-00n

Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-rover-01Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-rover-02Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-rover-03

Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-rover-04Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-rover-05Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-rover-06

                  ___ d, 12 317+12 437 H MPEG-2 / SUN Direct & relative quality  ___


                  12 317 H : Packet SUN Direct DTH                                          12 437 H : Packet SUN Direct DTH
Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-12 316 H SUN Direct-relative q-01nMeasat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-12 437 H SUN Direct-relative q-02n

                     ___ e, 12 316 H MPEG-2 / SUN Direct promo & snapshots ___


Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-snapshots 01Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-snapshots 02Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-snapshots 03
Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-snapshots 04Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-snapshots 05Measat 3 at 91.5 e_south asian footprint in ku band-SUN Direct-snapshots 06

    source of information and published data : Mr. Roman Dávid _ author & founder of Think-Tank           

                                                    CZECH & SLOVAK DX SATELLITE CLUB
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                                                          Roman Dávid - author & founder
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