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Page Astra 1L at 19.2°e-KA band satellite reception-footprint-analysis-ka-band-lnb-ka-band-satellite-list-ka-band-frequencies- Roman Dávid 09/19/2012 - 13:11
Second Hand Predam novy konvertor na c pasmo Astrotel Precision 17K 3.7-4.2GHz Roman Dávid. 03/11/2009 - 08:34
Feeds Insat 3A at 93,5°E - India C SPOT : feeds 3 913 V Unnamed Service India Roman Dávid. 04/19/2009 - 14:26
Video Section Bonum 1 at 56.0°E - siberian footprint : videos Roman Dávid. 03/17/2009 - 13:05
Sat List Update 17-12-2012__FIRST FEED CHANNEL IN KA band from Astra 1H-19.4__The author has identified a systematic concentration of FEEDS channels and TESTS into the passive stretch of linear spectrum -V- 18 500-18 800 MHz and their analysis also looked at today's news Roman Dávid 12/17/2012 - 10:04
ABS-S All Sections ABS-S Advanced Broadcasting System-Satellite / ABS-S Receiver Coship N6188 , TVWalker ABS2008 Roman Dávid. 12/02/2009 - 16:10
Hottest News 28.5.2009 - DX Fórum _ satloverTT: Kráska 2009 Roman Dávid. 05/28/2009 - 16:04
Ka Band Section Eutelsat 7A-7-east-KA-band-satellite-reception-frequency-video-21 612 MHz-H-pol feed Telemedia Adhoc Encoder Roman Dávid 05/26/2015 - 06:58
Hottest News 10.3.2010 - New video samples of satellite NSS 7 at 22.0 ° W in the C band : CNN International Europe , CNN feed , Al Jazeera , Oman TV... Roman Dávid. 03/10/2010 - 16:05
Sat List Update 22-2-13__3/3-DRTV Int-KA band IS THE NEW AFRICAN CARRIER IN THE SPECTRUM OF THE -V- VECTOR__Eutelsat 7A-7e: 21 584 MHz-DRTV International Congo-quantification of the gain level on QPSK-TV carrier with the lowest rate SR=1549 ksym/s - FEC=7/8 - BW=2.09 MHz Roman Dávid 02/21/2013 - 14:02
Hottest News 4.1.2010 - News in box Test Cards - transmission channel feeds broadcast in DVB-S2 format from Eutelsat W2 at 16.0°E : 11 001 H ITA 547 EX 39 /provider Mediaset/ Roman Dávid. 01/04/2010 - 16:15
Sat List Update 27.12.2023-SES 4 at 22.0°W-CANAL+ AFRIQUE-West Africa:CanalSat Afrique_I have demonstrably attained an exemplary or reference state of reception quality expressed as "Stable reception at 100%" in the DTH category in the minimum monitoring unit t=72 hours Roman Dávid 12/27/2023 - 11:48
Hottest News 14.6.2010 - SAT DX Fórum-A.Simao/Macao Čína a družica Insat 4A na 83.0°E:3 725 H Paket NSTPL India-aktuálny stav spektra a kvality v zóne špičky toku EIRP vo východnej Ázii s analyzátorom Rohde & Schwarz ETL a porovnanie stavu akosti > Macao/Slovensko Roman Dávid. 06/14/2010 - 14:14
Page roman-david-autorska-basen-modlidba-kostolnika-z-kostola-lzi-v sluzbach-otca-vsetkych-lzi Roman Dávid 08/03/2019 - 13:52
Video Section Measat 3 at 91.5°E - KU SPOT South Asia : Videos _ MPEG-4 DD Gyan Darshan , AAC Air Hindi , AAC Rainbow Delhi , AAC Air Bangla ... Roman Dávid. 09/10/2009 - 13:57
Hottest News 30.3.2010-PREMIÉRA_Posledné novinky v paketoch provajderov prevažne z Latinskej Ameriky z družice Intelsat 805 na 55.5°W v americko-európskom diagrame C pásma : TP 20A-analyzujem H spektrum+výsledky meraní kvality_ÚVOD : 4 080 V RTPi AMERICA Roman Dávid. 03/30/2010 - 14:25
Page NSS 6 at 95.0°E-Indian footprint : Dish TV DTH & technical parameters of satellite Roman Dávid. 12/28/2010 - 08:29
Video Section Express MD1 at 80.0°E-C band footprint : KBR TV , TV43 Region , MTV Russia Roman Dávid. 08/10/2010 - 16:34
Hottest News 29.9.2009 - New DSNG feeds uplinking_Nová DSNG feeds linka vysielaná zo štátu India v južnej Ázii - Insat 2E at 83,0°E - 2E Wide footprint : 3 685 V Amrita TV DSNG _ SR=1 953 KS/s _ Test Engineering Roman Dávid. 09/29/2009 - 16:21
Ka Band Section KA-Band-satellite-reception-videos-Eutelsat-7A-7.0e-Europe-C-footprint: 21 563.2 MHz 2Si Racines Senegal_DVB-S-QPSK-FTA_regular broadcast - analysis of spectrum and the quality of the carrier with the FEC=7/8 Roman Dávid 11/02/2012 - 12:00
Sat List Update 16.2.11-UPDATE No.5-SATELLITE BROADCASTING IN THE REGIONAL LANGUAGE AND DIALECTS in India Doordarshan NETWORK-INSAT 3A at 93.5°E & footage from the broadcast - DD Saptagiri,DD Malayalam,DD Oriya,DD Chandana,DD Kashir - FIRST 3 820 V DD Saptagiri Hyderabad Roman Dávid. 02/16/2011 - 16:20
DX News clanky Eutelsat SESAT at 36,0°E : feeds 11 107 H GCUK 1 Roman Dávid. 03/09/2009 - 16:34
Feeds Express A4 at 14,0°W : feed 11 511 V SD Service Ch 2 Egypt Roman Dávid. 03/09/2009 - 18:26
Second Hand Koupím anténu kolem 4,5m až 6m ... Roman Dávid. 10/23/2009 - 11:51
Hottest News 29.6.2009 - Sat List - Družica Eutelsat W5 na 70.5°E - Široký KU zväzok s obsadením : Servisný provider Stellar s obsadením siete CFRT Canada & Data provider Horizon Dubai Roman Dávid. 06/29/2009 - 15:21