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Roman Dávid
01/14/2013 - 09:04
Hottest News
21-1-2013-Pokračovania analýzy objektu WIDEBAND GLOBAL SATCOM WGS-3 na λ=-12°,ktorý zabezpečuje komunikačnú konektivitu vojsk americkej armády v KA pásme: DEKÓDOVATELNÉ DATA PORTY TERMINÁLOV č.2 na f=20350 MHz a č.3 na f=20780 MHz_predkorekčné bBER...
Roman Dávid
01/20/2013 - 08:00
Hottest News
21-1-2013-WIDEBAND GLOBAL SATCOM WGS3 na λ=-12°: Kompletná suma troch dekódovatelných dátových portov v spektre vektora LHCP s z hľadiska aplikovaného štvorstavového fázového kľúčovania 4PSK,priepustnosti 45 Mbit/sec a BW=49,44 MHz identických nosných...
Roman Dávid
01/20/2013 - 09:08
Ka Band Section
WGS-3 at 12° west-Wideband-Global-Satcom-ka-band-satellite-reception videos: 20 350 MHz-20780 MHz - LHCP_ Data terminal - spectrum analysis and quality / TELEVES H60
Roman Dávid
01/20/2013 - 10:05
Sat List Update
21-1-2013-Continued analysis of satellite WIDEBAND GLOBAL SATCOM WGS-3 at λ=-12°,which provides communications connectivity for U.S. military forces in KA band: DECODABLE DATA PORT No.2-f=20350 MHz and No.3-f=20780 MHz_b-correction Viterbi status ...
Roman Dávid
01/20/2013 - 10:18
Sat List Update
21-1-2013 ___ WIDEBAND GLOBAL SATCOM WGS3 at λ=-12° ___ : The full amount of the 3 decodable data ports in the spectrum of LHCP vector with identical 4PSK status,throughput of 45 Mbit/sec and BW = 49.44 MHz ...
Roman Dávid
01/20/2013 - 10:41
Ka Band Section
Eutelsat Hotbird 13A at 13°E-KA band satellite footprint-KA band superbeam-KA band transmit coverage-KA band receive coverage-skyplex-ip
Roman Dávid
01/27/2013 - 09:14
Hottest News
28-1-2013-Eutelsat Hotbird 13A na λ=13°-KA pásmo: Satelitný operátor Eutelsat definuje rozvrstvenie vyžiarenej energie v diagramoch resp.spotoch pre 4 transpondéri vo frekvenčnom spektre KA pásma od 19 700 do 20 200 MHz s takmer celoeurópskou signálnou...
Roman Dávid
01/27/2013 - 09:22
Sat List Update
28-1-2013-Eutelsat Hotbird 13A at 13°e-KA band footprint: Satellite operator Eutelsat defines a layering of energy emitted in the diagrams for 4 transponders in Ka-band frequency range from 19 700 to 20 200 MHz with almost pan-European signal availability
Roman Dávid
01/27/2013 - 09:37
Ka Band Section
Eutelsat Hotbird 13A-ex.Hotbird 6 at 13°e-KA band satellite reception-video : spectrum analysis of 19 700-20 200 MHz - 4 transponders - 8 KA band carrier frequencies - IP-DATA services
Roman Dávid
01/27/2013 - 09:50
Hottest News
28-1-2013__PRVÁ ANALÝZA VYSIELANIA v KA PÁSME z družice HOTBIRD 13A___Analýza stavu VSAT-IP-DATA streamov nielen služby Skyplex z družice EUTELSAT HOTBIRD 13A na λ=13° v KA pásme: Aktuálna analýza spektra od 19 700 do 20 200 MHz a definovanie nosných...
Roman Dávid
01/27/2013 - 10:24
Sat List Update
28-1-2013___FIRST ANALYSIS OF BROADCASTING in Ka band from HOTBIRD 13A___Analysis of the status of the VSAT-IP-DATA streams,not only the Skyplex services,from Hotbird 13A at 13°E in KA band : The current spectrum analysis of 19 700 to 20 200 MHz ....
Roman Dávid
01/27/2013 - 10:43
Roman Dávid
01/28/2013 - 09:25
Ka Band Section
Sicral 1-16.2°e-EHF-KA-band satellite reception video-LHCP vector : spectrum analysis from 19 700 to 20 000 MHz _ C1=19 748 MHz → C2=19 822 MHz _ Televes H60
Roman Dávid
02/02/2013 - 14:25
Hottest News
4-2-2013_Sicral 1 na λ=16,2° v.d. je novým výskumným objektom Think-Tanku dxsatcs zo spektra extrémne vysokých frekvencií KA pásma od 20 do 44 GHz-EHF,spadajúcim pod výlučnú kontrolu Ministerstva obrany Talianskej republiky,ktorý je súčasťou satelitnej...
Roman Dávid
02/03/2013 - 12:11
Sat List Update
4-2-2013_Sicral 1 at λ=16.2°e.l. satellite is a new research object at extremely high frequencies range from 20 to 44 GHz EHF-KA band,falling under the exclusive control of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Italy, which is part of the satellite..
Roman Dávid
02/03/2013 - 12:38
Roman Dávid
02/04/2013 - 08:08
Ka Band Section
DSNG-SNG-KA-Band-satellite-feed-reception-analysis-videos-Eutelsat-7A-7.0e-Europe-C-footprint: 21 601.9 MHz-V.pol. Zimbo TV LIVE FEED Angola- analysis of the quality of the carrier in the spectrum of the vertical vector / TS=2.9 Mbps
Roman Dávid
02/07/2013 - 14:27
Hottest News
8-2-13__ DSNG SPOJENIE v KA PÁSME z južnej Afriky cez Eutelsat 7A na 7°E __ : 21 601,9 MHz ZIMBO TV LIVE FEED- aplikovaný modulátor QPSK s FEC=7/8 pri BW=3,35 MHz a analýza spektra a kvality nosnej vysielanej z DSNG prenosového vozu v spektre KA pásma...
Roman Dávid
02/07/2013 - 15:21
Hottest News
8-2-13__ DSNG SPOJENIE v KA PÁSME z južnej Afriky cez Eutelsat 7A na 7°E __ : Autor identifikoval a zaznamenal v spektre -V- vektora na f=21 601,9 MHz nekódovanú výmenu dát medzi DSNG prenosovým vozom a centrálou tv stanice Zimbo tv Angola,ktorej obsahom
Roman Dávid
02/07/2013 - 15:33
Sat List Update
8-2-13__DSNG UPLINK in KA band from South Africa over the Eutelsat 7A at 7°E : 21 601.9 MHz ZIMBO TV LIVE FEED- QPSK modulator was applied with FEC=7/8 and BW=3.35 MHz. Analysis of spectrum and quality of the carrier which was broadcast from the DSNG ...
Roman Dávid
02/07/2013 - 15:40
Sat List Update
8-2-13__ DSNG UPLINK in KA band from South Africa over the Eutelsat 7A at 7°E___: The author has identified and recorded a non-coded data exchange between the DSNG car and the headquarters of the tv station Zimbo TV Angola, which contained materials ....
Roman Dávid
02/07/2013 - 15:48
Ka Band Section
TV TEST CARD-INFO CARD IN KA BAND-Eutelsat 7A at 7.0°e-Europe C beam : 21 475 MHz-V.pol.-MEGAWATT Park-LIVE FEED from southeast Africa / SHF
Roman Dávid
02/08/2013 - 08:57
Ka Band Section
TV TESTS CARDS-INFO CARDS IN KA BAND-Astra 1H at 19.4°e-European beam : 18 510.856 MHz-V DVB-S2-QPSK Ericsson Service / SHF
Roman Dávid
02/08/2013 - 09:02
Ka Band Section
DSNG-SNG-KA-Band-satellite-feed-Eutelsat-7A-7.0e-Europe-C-footprint: 21 601.9 MHz-V.pol. Zimbo TV LIVE FEED Angola-SONY DVCAM professional Video editing and recording techniques
Roman Dávid
02/08/2013 - 09:08
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